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Featured OrganizatioN - Q4 2024


We strive to be a strong community of women, giving with a purpose, and committed to positively impacting charities in Northeast Ohio.


  • We offer three Giving Events per year where our members gather for both camaraderie and giving at local donated venues. Throughout the year, we support at least seven local charities!
  • During our First Giving in late winter and our Second Giving in early fall, three charities share their mission. Members then vote on which charity will receive the largest grant. The other two charities also receive grants to support their missions.
  • In early summer, we hold a Tangible Giving event where we collect and donate items to a local organization.
  • We’ve helped build bathrooms for a women’s recovery home and a peaceful porch for a trafficking drop-in center. We’ve purchased alert watches for patients with epilepsy and helped fund temporary housing for homeless families with children. Our grants have benefited programming for children in foster care, helped establish college counselors for students in danger of dropping out of school ... and much more!


The Worldwide ERCĀ® Foundation for Workforce Mobility was established in 2004 with a mission to energize the global community through charitable giving. Its vision is that all communities touched by global mobility are actively aware of, inspired by and engaged in our charitable efforts, worldwide.

The Foundation works in cooperation with our regional relocation councils to support a student scholarship program for graduating students who have been relocated during their high school years. At least two students will be selected for a regional scholarship awarded by The Northeast Ohio Relocation Roundtable and will be automatically entered into the WERC Foundation for Workforce Mobility scholarship pool. As a result, there is an opportunity to be awarded funds from both NEORR and the WERC Foundation. The minimum regional award is $500.

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